26th Jun 2014

NAP5 Professional Launch

Location: Royal Society of Medicine, London
Fee: £150
CPD Credits Anticipated: 5
Availability: Places available.
Event code: G17
Event organiser(s):
Professor Jaideep J Pandit & Professor Tim M Cook.


A full-day's educational meeting, presenting the Fifth National Audit Project from The Royal College of Anaesthetists and The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. The day will present the largest ever study of Accidental Awareness during General Anaesthesia.

Open to all anaesthetists and others with an interest. NAP5 Local Coordinators are especially invited to attend.

The presentations will be delivered by the NAP5 Steering Panel: anaesthetists, psychologists and patient representatives.

 NAP5 Professional Launch Programme (317 KB)

Please click here to register.

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