NAP6 Report

Anaesthesia, Surgery and Life-Threatening Allergic Reactions

Report and findings of the Royal College of Anaesthetists' 6th National Audit Project

NAP6: Perioperative Anaphylaxis is the largest ever prospective study of anaphylaxis related to anaesthesia and surgery.

The full NAP6 Report is available in full as a single PDF, or as individual chapters below.

Some key findings of NAP6 are summarised on the NAP6 Infographic.
 NAP6 Infographic.pdf (718 KB)

Full Report

 NAP6 Report 2018.pdf (11.74 MB)

Individual Chapters

1. Introduction
 NAP6 Chapter 1 - Introduction.pdf (248 KB)

2. Key findings and recommendations
 NAP6 Chapter 2 - Key findings and recommendations.pdf (133 KB)

3. A patient's experience of perioperative anaphylaxis
 NAP6 Chapter 3 - A patient’s experience of perioperative anaphylaxis.pdf ( bytes)

4. The lay perspective
 NAP6 Chapter 4 - The lay perspective.pdf (90 KB)

5. Methods
 NAP6 Chapter 5 - Methods.pdf (159 KB)

6. Summary of main findings
 NAP6 Chapter 6 - Summary of main findings.pdf (497 KB)

7. The Baseline Survey - perspectives and experiences of perioperative anaphylaxis before NAP6
 NAP6 Chapter 7 - The Baseline Survey - perspectives and experiences of perioperative anaphylaxis before NAP6.pdf (191 KB)

8. The Activity Survey - anaesthetic practice
 NAP6 Chapter 8 - The Activity Survey - anaesthetic practice.pdf (335 KB)

9. The Allergen Survey - perioperative drug exposure
 NAP6 Chapter 9 - The Allergen Survey - perioperative drug exposure.pdf (486 KB)

10. Clinical features
 NAP6 Chapter 10 - Clinical features.pdf (152 KB)

11. Immediate management and departmental organisation
 NAP6 Chapter 11 - Immediate management and departmental organisation.pdf (3.88 MB)

12. Deaths, cardiac arrests, profound hypotension and outcomes
 NAP6 Chapter 12 - Deaths, cardiac arrests, profound hypotension and outcomes.pdf (332 KB)

13. Allergy Clinic Baseline Survey - provision of specialist allergy clinic services
 NAP6 Chapter 13 - Allergy clinic baseline survey - provision of specialist allergy clinic services.pdf (509 KB)

14. Investigation
 NAP6 Chapter 14 - Investigation.pdf (1.14 MB)

15. Antibiotics
 NAP6 Chapter 15 - Antibiotics.pdf (289 KB)

16. Neuromuscular blocking agents and reversal agents
 NAP6 Chapter 16 - Neuromuscular blocking agents and reversal agents.pdf (84 KB)

17. Chlorhexidine
 NAP6 Chapter 17 - Chlorhexidine.pdf (94 KB)

18. Patent Blue dye
 NAP6 Chapter 18 - Patent Blue dye.pdf (197 KB)

19. Colloids and infrequent trigger agents
 NAP6 Chapter 19 - Colloids and infrequent trigger agents.pdf (63 KB)

20. Obstetric anaesthesia
 NAP6 Chapter 20 - Obstetric anaesthesia.pdf (214 KB)

21. Paediatric anaesthesia
 NAP6 Chapter 21 - Paediatric anaesthesia.pdf (206 KB)

22. Critical care
 NAP6 Chapter 22 - Critical care.pdf (60 KB)

23. The independent sector
 NAP6 Chapter 23 - The independent sector.pdf (85 KB)

24. Reporting and learning
 NAP6 Chapter 24 - Reporting and learning.pdf (117 KB)