24th Mar 2020

NIAA Research Grants Activity & COVID-19

Given the ongoing and unprecedented situation with COVID-19 all NIAA partners together with the Board Chair have agreed to take the decision to postpone all NIAA research grant activity for the foreseeable future.

Effective immediately the NIAA facilitated grants listed below will be postponed to a future period:

o BOC Chair of Anaesthesia research grant
o NIAA Grants 2020 Round 1
o John Snow Intercalated Awards 2020

Any applications already submitted will be held over until these activities are resumed at a later date - when it is appropriate to do so. At the moment it is not clear when this will be, however decisions will be revisited over the coming weeks and months and considered in conjunction with the wider clinical landscape.

Please note that this does not currently apply to the RCoA's small research, education and travel grants, and the Macintosh Professorship which are currently planned to continue as expected.

We appreciate your understanding during this time and will circulate further updates as decisions are taken.

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