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21st Mar 2017

SNAP-2: EPICCS now launched


The 2nd Sprint National Anaesthesia Project: Epidemiology of Critical Care after Surgery (EPICCS) study has launched around the UK.

More than 2,200 investigators at more than 250 sites across the UK are signed up to take part.

The observational study is seeking to collect data on all patients undergoing inpatient surgery during a one-week period (21 March to 27 March) in UK NHS hospitals.

The study is investigating:

  • the causes of and limitations on admission to critical care including capacity

  • the effectiveness of critical care in reducing post-operative morbidity and mortality and;

  • the effectiveness of risk stratification tools in predicting post-operative complications

SNAP-2 is being run by the Health Services Research Centre and supported by the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.

You can follow all the latest news on the study on Twitter @SNAP2EPICCS and @HSRCNews and by following @RCoANews.

Best of luck to all investigators.

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