7th Dec 2020

Round 1 Results - NAP7 ACCC-track: Anaesthesia and Critical Care COVID Activity

Key findings from round 1 of the ACCC-track survey for #NAP7 are now available to view. Huge thank you to all our NAP Local Coordinators for their contribution. We urge all departments to respond and thank you for taking the time needed to provide these data.

The College would like to track how hospitals, perioperative and critical care has been affected by COVID-19 and to track how this changes over the next 6 months.
We hope to achieve this through the network of Local Co-ordinators set up for NAP7 (which is now delayed till May 2021) aided by local trainee involvement.

A series of snapshot surveys -starting in November- will examine departmental reorganisation, staff absences and anaesthetic/surgical activity. These will provide a national picture of the stresses and impact on hospitals and services in the next few months. Data will be processed and reported on as promptly as possible.

Round 1 Results

Anaesthesia Critical Care COVID Activity Tracking Survey round 1 PDF

Click below for the Anaesthesia Critical Care COVID Activity Tracking dataset ACCC-Track round 1_201020.pdf (708 KB)

Round 1 results

 ACCC track Exec Summary Round 1 FINAL.docx (932 KB)
 ACCC-Track Round 1 Summary.pdf (1.52 MB)

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