NIAA Events - Autumn 2013
The NIAA is pleased to announce details of the following events taking place in autumn 2013:
Introduction to Academic Anaesthesia
Dates: 9 - 10 September 2013
Venue: The London Deanery
This two-day course is aimed at anaesthetists new to research and quality improvement.
The programme will feature national experts in various areas of clinical research and quality improvement relevant to anaesthesia, provide an introduction to research methodology and how to get started, and review the important studies which have been recently published. This will provide a valuable introduction to research and quality improvement, mapped to the RCoA's CCT curriculum requirements in these areas.
Programme highlights:
- Systematic reviews and meta-analysis: how to do a literature search; understanding the pros and cons
- Randomised controlled trials - are they the holy grail?
- Research in challenging environments: altitude, the developing world
- Quality improvement and health services research: research that matters to patients
Please click here to view the programme and to register.
NIAA Research Week
Dates: 30 September - 3 October 2013
Venue: The Royal College of Anaesthetists
Registration is now open for most of the courses taking place during the NIAA's Research Week. The event is being run for the first time and brings together courses from the British Journal of Anaesthesia, the Anaesthetic Research Society and the Health Services Research Centre.
Day 1: Research Methodology Workshop
The workshop will be useful for anaesthetists of any grade who are already involved in research or those who are about to embark on a research project. Teaching sessions will address: developing a research idea; study design; project management; analysis; presentation and interpretation of data; dissemination of results.
Day 2: BJA Peer Reviewers' Workshop
Learning outcomes:
- Critical appraisal of research papers
- Understanding of statistics used in research
- Understanding of the process of publishing research
- Understanding of research misconduct
Days 2&3: ARS Meeting
Guest speaker:
Professor Jo Bradwell, Professor of Immunology, University of Birmingham & Director of Binding Site Group Ltd
'Development of a successful medical spin-out company at the University of Birmingham'.
Second guest speaker to be confirmed.
Showcase Presentations:
Professor David Menon, University of Cambridge
Dr Rupert Pearse, Royal London Hospital
Professor Peter Mahoney/Dr Jane Risdall, Military Academic Anaesthesia
The President's Award for Undergraduate Research
Day 4: HSRC UK Perioperative Clinical Research Forum
Topics to be covered:
- Risk stratification and patient report outcomes: the evidence
- Enhanced recovery compliance: does it make a difference?
- New/ongoing studies: Las Vegas; SOAP-BOX; ETPOS; NeuroVISION
Delegates can register to attend all or part of the week and further details about the programme and how to book can be found here.
We hope these events will be of interest to you and look forward to seeing you later in the year!