11th Jun 2014

BJA MRC Jointly Funded Clinical Research Training Fellowships

The British Journal of Anaesthesia is delighted to invite applications for up to four BJA MRC jointly funded Clinical Research Training Fellowships. These prestigious awards are available to clinically active anaesthetists. The programme supports clinicians to undertake a higher research degree (PhD or MD). Medically qualified applicants who obtained their PhD some time ago may also be considered.

The next call opens on 29th July 2014 with a submission deadline of 9th September 2014 towards a take-up date in April to September 2015.

Deadline information can be found by clicking here.

Click here for more information about the Clinical Research Training Fellowship.

There are several joint Fellowships offered in partnership with a number of Royal Colleges and Charity funders. (Due to website issues the BJA information is currently absent).

BJA queries should be directed to Iain Moppett, Grants Officer,

MRC queries should be directed to in the first instance.

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