DAS Project Grant

The successful applicant for the DAS Project Grant was:

Principal Applicant
Dr Peter Charters
Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, University Hospital Aintree

A New Approach to Predicting Difficult Tracheal Intubation


Scientific Abstract
The objective of this proposal is to set up a database of measurements taken from patients who are difficult to intubate, identify causative factors and then build a "Predictor", using machine learning techniques, to estimate likelihood of difficulty for any other patient. The database and predictor will be added to the current Aintree Difficult Airway Management (ADAM) website and will be continuously updated to provide an invaluable resource for researchers working on difficult airway management. The accuracy with which predictions can be made will be investigated.

The Aintree Difficult Airway Management (ADAM) website is a facility to help anaesthetists plan management of anticipated difficult intubations. It is based on clinical "scenarios" known to be associated with difficulty. 350 anaesthetists have registered to the website which has the support of the UK Difficult Airway Society (DAS). DAS have now asked that ADAM become a repository for all cases of difficult intubation. Patients not having relevant "scenarios" can only be anticipated difficult on the basis of the (unreliable) bedside tests. To encourage data contributions to the Predictor, it will be set up as a live system on the ADAM website where anaesthetists can question whether particular patients are likely to be difficult.

 First Year Progress Report from Dr P Charters (39 KB)