Here is a list of the major milestones in the Anaesthesia and Perioperative Care Priority Setting Partnership.
31 January 2013
At the National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia's (NIAA) Board meeting, the decision was made to apply for an 'Anaesthesia Priority Setting Partnership' in collaboration with the James Lind Alliance (JLA) and funded by the funding partners of the NIAA.
8 April 2013
The Health Services Research Centre (HSRC) of the NIAA submitted a "Readiness Questionnaire" to the JLA.
24 April 2013
The JLA accepted the proposal and appointed Adrian Grant as Advisor to the Anaesthesia PSP. This later became, following discussions of scope, the "Anaesthesia and Perioperative Care" PSP and the team began to contact patient representation bodies.
22 July 2013
The core PSP team met with INVOLVE to help identify a broad set of potential patient representation partners. Other suggestions were derived from the NIAA's specialist societies, the JLA Advisor and Google searches of under-represented areas.
18 October 2013
An "Awareness Raising" meeting held at the Royal College of Anaesthetists. Some 28 organisations attended, including 12 patient representation bodies, nursing bodies, the specialist societies of the NIAA, a representative from the Cochrane Anaesthesia Review Group, and the James Lind Alliance.
27 November 2013
The Steering Group was finalised and confirmed. The Steering Group was formed equally from patient representatives and clinicians, including a perioperative practice representative.
January 2014
Leanne Metcalf takes over from Adrian Grant as JLA Advisor.
20 January 2014
The first meeting of the Steering Group took place at the Royal College of Anaesthetists. This was a face-to-face meeting discussing the Protocol, Terms of Reference and timetable.
25 February 2014
All organisations that had expressed an interest in joining the PSP were formally invited to become Partners and affiliate with James Lind Alliance.
19 March 2014
The second Steering Group meeting took place at the Royal College of Anaesthetists. The PSP Protocol and Terms of Reference were finalised and the draft text of the survey was discussed.
May 2014
The ideas gathering survey was piloted, and refinements made.
June-July 2014
The PSP's ideas gathering survey was open on the NIAA website. 1422 responses (i.e. research questions) were submitted from 623 respondents.
August-October 2014
The Steering Group classified the raw survey responses into broad themes and groups, and agreed a process to use this classification to reduce the raw data to a shortlist of 'summary' research questions.
December 2014
A sub-group of the Steering Group met to decide the shortlist of summary research questions, incorporating all the individual suggestions received from the original survey.
December-January 2015
We conducted literature reviews to identify and remove any questions from the shortlist that had already been fully answered by previous research. No questions from the shortlist were found to have been fully answered; therefore all were carried forward to the next survey.
February-March 2015
Second online survey asking respondents to choose their top 10 from the shortlist.
April 2015
1,718 people responded to the prioritisation survey (approximately 67% clinicians and 33% patients). The votes were counted, and a ranking of the shortlist questions in order of popularity with both clinicians and patients was compiled.
May 2015
The highest ranked 25 questions from the shortlist were discussed and debated at a face-to-face Final Workshop. 23 invited stakeholder representatives attended the workshop, where a final 'Top 10 research priorities' for Anaesthesia and Perioperative Care was agreed by mutual consensus.
Summer 2015
Publication and dissemination of PSP results.