PSP Steering Group
The Steering Group is comprised of both clinician and patient group representation. Its role is to guide the Priority Setting Partnership through the process of identifying partners, developing the documents, running the survey, collecting and collating the answers, guiding the prioritisation process and disseminating the findings. A James Lind Alliance (JLA) Advisor helps the Steering Group through this, chairing meetings and providing assistance.
Leanne Metcalf
Chair and JLA AdvisorLeanne Metcalf is the independent Chair for the Anaesthesia and Perioperative Care Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) and the Stillbirth PSP, working on behalf of the James Lind Alliance (JLA). Her career has been focused within medical research charities funding research into a variety of different health conditions, and she has a strong background in project management and facilitation. She was involved in the very first PSP in asthma in 2006/7 and since then, Leanne has closely followed the work of the JLA and undertaken a variety of priority setting, research funding and patient involvement initiatives in accordance with the JLA values.
Olly Boney
PSP CoordinatorOlly is responsible for the day to day running of the PSP. He an anaesthetic registrar at Barts and the London School of Anaesthesia, currently pursuing a research fellowship in perioperative medicine and anaesthesia at University College Hospital's Surgical Outcomes Research Centre. His research work addresses exactly how we measure outcomes and how to improve outcomes in patients having major surgery.
Ann Conquest
Association for Perioperative Practice
Ann is representing the Association for Perioperative Practice (AfPP) on the PSP Steering Group. She qualified as a nurse in 1984 & for the last 29 years has worked within the perioperative environment. Currently, Ann works as the Post Anaesthetic Recovery Sister at Bedford Hospital NHS Trust. Ann is also a trustee of AfPP. The association is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2014. The AfPP is a membership organisation with around 5000 members (both UK & international). All members have some relationship (past or present) with the perioperative setting - be it as theatre nurse, operating department practitioner, education or industry partner.
Marion Cumbers
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Patient Liaison Group
Marion is a mother of four and granny of five with a background in commercial computer programming and educational support. She is a member of the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust Patient Group at Stanmore, (successor to the CPPIH Patient Forum), which is made up of patients and the public. Members visit wards and departments regularly to evaluate the services provided from a lay perspective and monitor progress. Visit reports, with any recommendations for improvement, are presented to the Trust Board who take forward any issues of concern. Members also sit on various Trust groups and committees, and review drafts of leaflets and information provided for patients. She is also a Lay member of London North (Stanmore) Research Ethics Committee, and a parent representative on the Medicines for Children Research Network, Neonatal Clinical Studies Group.
Jacqui Gath
Independent Cancer Patients' Voice
Very grateful to several excellent surgeons over the years, and very enthusiastic about the democratic process of asking patients and carers what their research questions are. Diagnosed with cancer in 2003, quickly saw the need for patient/lay advocacy in research and the need for much more emphasis on quality of life issues. Joined the NTCRN Consumer Research Panel in 2003 (set up by Professor Ahmedzai in 2001), and has since contributed to health research by way of membership of trial steering committees, Ethics Committee, public consultations, and other health related activities. Keen to promote tissue banks and to support our young researchers.
Mike Grocott
National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia & Royal College of Anaesthetists
Mike is the Professor of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Southampton, a consultant in anaesthesia and critical care medicine, and the director of the National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia Health Services Research Centre. He is married with three children and lives in the New Forest.
Emma Harris
Kangaroo Club (ileo-anal pouch following colorectal surgery)
Emma is the Chairman of the Kangaroo Club, a support group for anyone with an ileo-anal pouch, which is an option for Ulcerative Colitis patients who have to have their colon removed. Emma has undergone eight operations/general anaesthetics, five of which have been for major abdominal surgery. In her professional life she is the Operations Director of a software company.
Simon Howell
NIAA Research Prioritisation Exercise legacy + NIAA specialist societies
Simon is a senior lecturer in anaesthesia in the University of Leeds. He was joint lead of the first United Kingdom National Anaesthetic Research Priority Setting Exercise and is Joint Clinical Director of the Yorkshire and Humber Clinical Research Network. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. He is a member of the committee of the Vascular Anaesthesia Society of Great Britain and Ireland and is representing the anaesthetics specialist societies on the PSP Steering Group.
Tony Ingold
Oesphogeal Patients Association
Tony is an oesophageal cancer survivor and a Trustee of the Oesophageal Patients Association. A retired university Reader, he now spends much of his time volunteering in the health sector. He is a Governor of University Hospitals Birmingham.
Mike Nathanson
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (+AAGBI research legacy)
Mike is a Council Member of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain & Ireland (AAGBI). The AAGBI is one of the original funding partners of the National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia. The AAGBI has a charitable arm (AAGBI Foundation) whose aims include 'Improved patient care and safety mainly through education and research into anaesthesia and allied specialties'. Particular research interests are: patient safety; innovation; clinical outcomes; education and training; related professional issues (e.g. standards and guidelines, working conditions, medico legal issues, etc.); and, the environment. In the last financial year we funded over £180 000 of research.
Tom Pinkney
Royal College of Surgeons of England
Tom is a Senior Lecturer in Surgery at the University of Birmingham and an Honorary Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. His clinical specialist interest area is inflammatory bowel disease and he spends much of his academic time involved in the design and running of clinical trials in surgery. On this steering group he is representing the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
The Steering Group is also assisted in administration by Sharon Drake, Director of Education and Research and Madeline Bell, PSP Administrator, at the Royal College of Anaesthetists.